Wednesday, August 12, 2009

OP day

So today was an early day. We had to a3rive at the Church at 8 to be there to help serve breakfat for the orphans and their guardians. Everyone including Mumbi and T were up and ready. After breakfast which ended an hour late the program got started and the kids were everywhere. I sought several of the kids and was able to actually meet to the faces that Trish and I have seen thru the profiles we work with every week. After lunch the Guardians and orphans put on a program in which they sang songs, danced and recited poems. It's amazing to hear the kids reciting large sections of the Bible and singing songs about God and the gratefulness that they have for how he has provide for them. The guardians put on a drama about how a child that lost both parents and needed to be sponsored was taken in by the OWI program. This is how some Kenyans share stories with others especially since many speak different dialects of Swahili. At the end we brought in 12 cakes, lit the candles and sang happy birthday to all the kids and to one adult. Marjaana celebrated her birthday with all 96 orphans. She said it was a great way to celebrate! Dinner was at the Pinewood Hotel and we had several guests join us. Dr Kasenbeli and Nancy who we met first at the Swiss conference were there, they work at the district hosp in Kitale. Also Abraham and Chris and our drivers Gideon and Steve. Tomorrow is another big day as we will have the first med clinic at the Church speciifcalllyfor the orphans and the guardians and their families. Alice lives close to where we ate staying and she is coing to meet me at the house at 7am and we will walk to the Church, about a 30 min walk. We are on our way home as I write this, good night
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