Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Leaving Masai Mara

Hey it,s so nice to be back on line again. Arriving at the Masai Mara left me without a signal except for a few short times and mainly while we were out on the Mara looking for animals. Everyone is well and has enjoyed their well deserved rest . But we were all glad to have been used by God throughout the week to help the people of Kiminini. While at the Mara we took a couple of game drives. The first drive was pretty exciting as we were able to spot 4 of the Big 5. Lions, Elephants, Leopard (for me the first ever), and Water Buffalo. Along with several other animals such as Zebra, Giraffes, Gazelles, Ostriches, Hyenas, Wildebeests, and the list could go on. Early the next morning we started off on a marathon safari. First to see was a Rhino mom and her kid. They were hiding in the brush but with all the vans swarming to see the rare site as there are so few,, she came out and allowed us to snap a shot and then went back under cover. Very nice of her don,t you think? For the next several hours we saw so many animals including more Lions both male and female. One group had just finished feeding on the kill the Lionesses had made and the were resting under the tree. The male did sit up for a snap. Last stop was the Talek River to see the Hippos. Dispite the low waters due the the drought conditions we saw several and their young. I have been to the Mara several times now but I never get tired of seeing these beautiful creatures in their natural enviroment. I also enjoy seeing those who have never experiened anything like it for the first time. And this being the first time for both Abraham and Chris who have lived in Kenya their whole lives, made it even more enjoyable. We are on our way to Nairobi right now. From the Mara is around 4 hrs and we are about half way. One of our vans got what they call a punture (flat) and had to stop and change the tire. Fortunately nothing more serious. I can't believe that our vans don' t have more problems since they take such a beating on these roads, if you can call them that but really in all the times I've been we have had only had trouble twice. We will be staying over night in Nairobi at the Grace House again (where we first stayed when we arrived in Kenya) and tomorrow we will go to visit Pastor Victor in Kibera, the largest slum in Africa. It is located in Nairobi and from its size, from what I hear, has practically become its own city. One of our girls, Becky spent several weeks there 4 years ago on a mission trip and she is going back to vist friends she hasn,t seen in that long. One of our loyal supporters, Lynda was able to get a couple of used laptops donated to OWI to give to whoever we thought could benefit from them and we will present one to Pastor Victor. The other one is going to OWI Kenya to help the operation of our OP program. What a blessing they will be for them! Thanks Lynda for thinking of our friends in Kenya. Well I think I'll take a little nap and maybe when I wake up we will be there. Talk to you all soon. Debbie
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